Saturday, October 16, 2010

Jillian & Dave - 10/9/2010

 It was an extremely hot day (mid 90's?) and Mr. Kim asked Nam and I to  help him with Mr. Yang's engagement photo shoot. Mr Yang is a math teacher at Garden Grove High School and apparently, girls all over the campus go GaGa over him. The shoot started at the Metro Link in Downtown Fullerton. We did a few shots with the train passing by and It was so hot we decided to find some shade to shoot in. Afterwords, we walked around Downtown Fullerton, looking for locations and the couple wanted to do a shoot in the Playground by Fullerton College and wanted to get wet in the fountain haha.
There was a park that Mr. Yang would bike in and they wanted to do a few shots there, so we went there and that's where we concluded the photos hoot. I'm looking forward to their wedding next year.. I hear it's going to be run by Garden Grove High School.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Jessica & James 10/8/2010

While I was at Signal Hill, before leaving for the reception, I met this couple at the park. It was awkward of me to approach them and asked if they wanted to hire me, but I did anyway. I figured it was something nice to do and I hope they liked it.

Christal & Robert - 10/8/2010

Shooting Christal and Robert's wedding was different. It was tiring, but fun. Everybody had an extremely positive attitude and not once did the bride or groom say they were tired. I quickly was able to bond with each of them and I feel as though I've known them for years! It started at the Mariot Hotel in Long Beach where the Bride and Groom got ready. The ceremony was in Santa Ana and right after, we all sped back to Signal Hill for a quick photoshoot. I wish we had more time, we only had about 10-20 minutes to shoot them. So the main photographer posed them and I just shot with what he posed. The reception was at The Grand in Long Beach. Congratulations Christal and Robert, God bless you and your families.